Monday, August 16, 2010

How do you get your crush to break up with his girlfriend ?

here is the thing- i really like this guy but he has a girlfriend. Theyve been going out for some time now, he orriginly wanted me to be his girlfriend but i had to say no because of my best friend liked him, now he has been going out with this girl for 6 or 7 months now and its killing me, im ready to take him back but i dont know how, please help me. ( shes not even pretty !)How do you get your crush to break up with his girlfriend ?
hiya, you need to let him decide if he wants her or can't butt in there and try and get him back.let him know that you like him,then leave it be,if he wants you then he will dump his gf and go out with you.xxHow do you get your crush to break up with his girlfriend ?
you don't, he's moved on, go do the same

you wanna brake something that's been going on for 6/7 months? there's a proper relationship and trust and love been built here, its heartless to brake that for your own selfish reasons.

move on and find someone else, preferably someone taken...
You stop being such a self-centered ***** and let it go...

Sorry, but I can't stand these girls with their ';She's not even pretty'; crap.

Maybe if you weren't such a *****, he'd leave her and choose you.

Obviously she's got more of what you lack - common decency.
I don't think it matters if she is pretty or not. The best thing you could probably do is tell him how you feel now, If he really wants to be with you instead of her he'll break up with her after you tell him.
You leave him alone - he's taken. Pretty has nothing to do with it. Besides, you seem pretty ugly if you want to break up a relationship. Get your own guy.
Move on he's with her not you, find yourself someone else

(btw just because you don't find her pretty doesn't mean he doesn't!)
Tough, You had Your chance. I thought You women were meant to stick together.
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